Afr(indi)an fiction*
Kinsmen x
Othnell Mangoma Moyo
︎ exchange dialogue
01: introductions
︎ exchange dialogue
02: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
03: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
04: call / response /
action / research
(still in process)
*with thanks to Pallavi Rasogi.
Kinsmen x
Othnell Mangoma Moyo
︎ exchange dialogue
01: introductions
︎ exchange dialogue
02: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
03: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
04: call / response /
action / research
(still in process)
*with thanks to Pallavi Rasogi.

© KB Mpofu
Othnell Moyo is an ethnomusicoloigist and
craftsman based in Zimbabwe who builds the majority of the instruments he uses. Othnell Moyo has
produced two eponymous albums and lent his services as a composer and a session
player to a number of internationally released albums. He tours extensively in many
collaborative world music ensembles including Kullokcall (Norway/Zimbabwe), Amakwekazi
(Zimbabwe/Austria/Sweden/Indonesia), SOWE (Burkina Faso/Zimbabwe) and Kunzwana
#1 (Zimbabwe/France/Austria). Othnell currently teaches a music and dance
rehabilitation program for inmates and is the founder of Talent Explorer in Nguboyenja
(TEN) – a music festival and symposium. ︎ Instagram: @othnell
︎ Facebook: othnell.moyo
︎ Youtube: othnell moyo