Afr(indi)an fiction*
Kinsmen x
Othnell Mangoma Moyo
︎ exchange dialogue
01: introductions
︎ exchange dialogue
02: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
03: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
04: call / response /
action / research
(still in process)
*with thanks to Pallavi Rasogi.
Kinsmen x
Othnell Mangoma Moyo
︎ exchange dialogue
01: introductions
︎ exchange dialogue
02: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
03: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
04: call / response /
action / research
(still in process)
*with thanks to Pallavi Rasogi.

© Tseliso Monaheng (2021)
Afr(indi)an Fiction* - an undertaking into the unknown
12 October 2021 - North West University
tickets available here