Afr(indi)an fiction*
Kinsmen x
Othnell Mangoma Moyo
︎ exchange dialogue
01: introductions
︎ exchange dialogue
02: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
03: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
04: call / response /
action / research
(still in process)
*with thanks to Pallavi Rasogi.
Kinsmen x
Othnell Mangoma Moyo
︎ exchange dialogue
01: introductions
︎ exchange dialogue
02: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
03: call / response /
action / research
︎ exchange dialogue
04: call / response /
action / research
(still in process)
*with thanks to Pallavi Rasogi.

Imagine this:
We’ve just arrived at a jam session in digital space. The space is silent, for now... Nobody really knows each other so how do we begin? How do you say hello? How do we say hello?
Use these sentences to guide your thoughts:
My name is…
I am from…
I am currently living in…
I am a… (artist / writer / musician / etc etc etc)
I am really interested in…
… is what I’d like to get out of this experience.
Introductions: Part A
Introductions: Part B
Introductions: Part C